The following article was buried very deep in our archives and at a recent reading we thought that, although it is an oldie, it is a goodie. In other words, the approach would seem to be as good as most or all of the new and sparkly programs. And, it’s free! In today’s workplace, it is not unusual to find organizations made up of personnel from as many as four generations – an unusual happening in our history. That fact can be exciting - unless you are the one trying to make sense out of it all as you try to get people to work together… and … [Read more...]
Bullying can happen to anyone or anywhere
Bullying can happen when you are young, old, at work, school, or anywhere else Cautionary Note: Dealing with bullies is nearly as difficult as dealing with a psychopath because so many of them are highly skilled at hiding their bullying personality from their supervisors. This piece is really just an overview, so if you think you have one or more bullies in your shop – or if you work with or for a bully – talk to a professional. If you do need assistance, we can help you with identifying an outside professional who will be able to walk you … [Read more...]
Assertiveness and Difficult People
“One who measures up to his own idea of greatness may have had a very low standard in mind.” Learning to deal with Assertive and Difficult People in your daily life. What Is Assertiveness? What is the difference between being assertive and being aggressive? Will people think that I'm being pushy? These are common questions and concerns. Here are some pointers to help clarify what assertiveness is really all about. Assertiveness is... Assertiveness is expressing our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in a direct, honest, and appropriate … [Read more...]
Conflict Resolution [Workshop]
Conflict Resolution Workshops for businesses The purpose of a practical Conflict Resolution program is to provide some direction to resolving and preventing workplace conflict. The Dynamic Discovery approach is a process whereby you will be shown, step-by-step, “how to” resolve conflict in a positive, gainful, manner. Here is some information about how we approach conflict in the workplace. If you are interested in a custom corporate workshop, contact us anytime! Conflict When you read the word "conflict," what's your first association: … [Read more...]