Do you know the difference between Alcohol Use and Abuse? It is a fine line between having a drink after work or with friends, or binge drinking. So how do you know if you, a loved one or a friend has a drinking problem? We often see having a drink as a social occasion or as a way to relax after a particularly stressful day in the office, but are we using it as a tool to relax or as a way to cover up a much bigger problem? You may think that drinking is the solution, but it could be just covering up the symptoms of anxiety, stress or … [Read more...]
9 Ways To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions
How to Keep your New Year's Resolutions If you make new year’s eve promises that last less time than your leftovers do then, perhaps it is time to try a new strategy. With these helpful tips hopefully this year’s tips will last a lot longer than last years! Make your NYE resolutions something that you really believe in and something that you want. Try to stay away from resolutions that you think you should make, or you think that other people may want you to do. The more thought you put into it, the more likely it is that you will actually … [Read more...]
Ten Signs That You May Be In A Codependent Relationship
Recognizing you're in a Codependent Relationship is the first step There is nothing easy about relationships, ever. Let’s face it if they were easy and required no work then there wouldn’t be any single or divorced people anywhere. In every relationship, there are going to be high points and low points, figuring out exactly what sort of relationship you are in and knowing when it’s over or when it is time to work on things is the key to a happy life. If you feel as if you are always on the low points, and there are no high points, and your … [Read more...]
Part Three – Depression Treatment options that work for you!
All about Depression A Three-Part Blog Series Part Three Depression Treatment options that work for you! There is a variety of different ways that depression can be treated successfully. There is medication, therapy, counselling or healthy eating and exercise. Medication for the treatment of depression targets specific neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, norepinephrine or dopamine. This can work to reduce both the frequency and the severity of episodes, and in some cases it can eliminate them completely. Most of these medications … [Read more...]
Part Two – What is Depression exactly?
All about Depression A Three-Part Blog Series Part Two What is Depression? Clinical depression as a medical condition related to the neurotransmitters, the chemicals in the brain. The neurotransmitters play a variety of different roles, appetite, regulating your mood and your responsiveness to stimulation, etc. this is why depression presents a variety of different symptoms and forms. Some people that are suffering from depression may eat more, sleep more and feel exhausted all of the time. Others may suffer from insomnia, … [Read more...]
Part One – Are you suffering from depression?
All about Depression A Three-Part Blog Series Part One Are you or is someone that you care about suffering from depression? Recognize the warning signs Everyone at some stage or another in their life has experienced a time when their problems seemed overwhelming and curling up in bed seemed like the perfect solution. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, life can be depressing and difficult. When we feel overwhelmed, guilty, hopeless or sad, it’s a natural human emotional response. Just like when we hurt ourselves we … [Read more...]