All about Depression A Three-Part Blog Series Part Three Depression Treatment options that work for you! There is a variety of different ways that depression can be treated successfully. There is medication, therapy, counselling or healthy eating and exercise. Medication for the treatment of depression targets specific neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, norepinephrine or dopamine. This can work to reduce both the frequency and the severity of episodes, and in some cases it can eliminate them completely. Most of these medications … [Read more...]
Part Two – What is Depression exactly?
All about Depression A Three-Part Blog Series Part Two What is Depression? Clinical depression as a medical condition related to the neurotransmitters, the chemicals in the brain. The neurotransmitters play a variety of different roles, appetite, regulating your mood and your responsiveness to stimulation, etc. this is why depression presents a variety of different symptoms and forms. Some people that are suffering from depression may eat more, sleep more and feel exhausted all of the time. Others may suffer from insomnia, … [Read more...]
Part One – Are you suffering from depression?
All about Depression A Three-Part Blog Series Part One Are you or is someone that you care about suffering from depression? Recognize the warning signs Everyone at some stage or another in their life has experienced a time when their problems seemed overwhelming and curling up in bed seemed like the perfect solution. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, life can be depressing and difficult. When we feel overwhelmed, guilty, hopeless or sad, it’s a natural human emotional response. Just like when we hurt ourselves we … [Read more...]
What things do you do to treat your depression?
There are many ways you can treat your depression. Even small things can make a big difference. There are many different ways that we all treat our depression. Some of the obvious ones are, medication and counselling, but there are many other small things that we all do to help ourselves out when we are feeling down. It could be something small like treating yourself to a spa day or a new hairstyle, through to a holiday or weekend away. The point I’m trying to make here is that there are hundreds of different things big and small that people … [Read more...]
5 Most Common Depression Myths
Depression Myths In recent years, due to an increase in awareness campaigns on depression and mental health issues people have more knowledge than ever before. This knowledge has given people who suffer from the effects of these often fatal and deliberating conditions the chance to get the help they need without fear of what people think. Too often people suffering from conditions such as depression, PTSD or anxiety have felt too ashamed or scared to ask people for help. Now with the increase in information and awareness people are finally … [Read more...]
12 Signs you may have an Anxiety Disorder
Do you suffer from one or more of these? Then you may suffer from an Anxiety Disorder. Excessive Worry – A very classic sign of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is excessive worrying about everything. If you’re having persistent worrying thoughts for months, and these thoughts are impacting your life. Sleep Problems – If you find yourself constantly lying awake at night, agitated or worried about specific problems or even nothing at all, it could be associated with GAD. Irrational fears – Anxiety is almost always specific to one … [Read more...]