How to Keep your New Year's Resolutions If you make new year’s eve promises that last less time than your leftovers do then, perhaps it is time to try a new strategy. With these helpful tips hopefully this year’s tips will last a lot longer than last years! Make your NYE resolutions something that you really believe in and something that you want. Try to stay away from resolutions that you think you should make, or you think that other people may want you to do. The more thought you put into it, the more likely it is that you will actually … [Read more...]
How can a Life Coach Help Me?
What is a Life Coach? And what can I Gain From Seeing a Life Coach? A Life Coach is described by as a profession that is profoundly different from consulting, mentoring, advice, therapy, or counseling. The coaching process addresses specific personal projects, business successes, general conditions and transitions in the client's personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make your life be what … [Read more...]
Remembering my dad on Father’s Day
While trying to create this blog today, I came across this amazing video. So I sat and watched then cried. It is always hard on Father's Day for me personally as my father passed away a few years ago. There are so many things I wish I had said if I had known it would have been the last time I saw him. I grew up daddy's little girl, I always ran to him when my mom said no. Did it work? No, my dad knew better. But I could always try. My dad was such a hard worker, I don't remember a time when I was younger that he wasn't doing anything. When I … [Read more...]
The Four Agreements
In The Four Agreements, Miguel Ángel Ruiz (writing as Don Miguel Ruiz) reveals the source of self-limiting agreements that rob us of joy and create needless suffering. When we are ready to change these agreements, there are four deceptively simple, yet powerful agreements that we can adopt as guiding principles. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, the Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. Though some of his teachings seem similar to New Age, … [Read more...]
Problems In Life
Life is full of problems. The more you solve them, the more new ones come up. And you can sweep problems under the carpet or run away from them. Wherever you go, sooner or later there will be problems for you to solve. Since this is a fact of life, you may as well develop some skills on how to handle problems in life. Here are some insights on how to deal with problems in life so that you may achieve success and happiness. One of the best ways to handle problems is to have the right attitude towards them. Sometimes problems may be blessings … [Read more...]
Thoughts for the Day
Here is some Thoughts for the Day, what I think about all the time. At least I think about this stuff from time-to-time. Okay… I have thought about some of it at least once: A man is said to be “nuts” when he begins to live in a world which doesn’t correspond to the world everyone else is inhabiting. Such a person behaves from one set of premises and by one set of rules while everyone else is behaving according to a totally different set of rules and premises. That is when you have to begin to think about society’s right to restrain. A … [Read more...]