“He who fails to plan is planning to fail.” – Winston Churchill
The reality is that life gets in the way of what we want and need to do. What then?
Fortunately, there are ways to make sure that life does not cause us to procrastinate:
Planning ahead can help you to ditch the distractions.
The power is in this question:
“What could stop you from achieving your goal?” ____________________________________
A professional coach will ask you this question. It’s one of the most useful tools to work through with a coach. This may seem like an obvious question to ask.
Just as the first step to overcome any fear is to identify them so too can we overcome our obstacles.
By knowing what may get in the way – for example, looking after the children, a holiday, social events – we can choose to either plan for them or know to save the task for later.
Do it now!
1. Name a task you have been putting off. _________________________________________
2. Name the obstacles that could stop you from doing it. _________________________________________
3. Name the obstacles you can ditch. _________________________________________
4. Name the ones that you can’t avoid. _________________________________________
5. Name your solution to adapt to the unavoidable obstacles.
A MOMENT OF TRUTH: Look at your answers above and ask yourself honestly which ones are real obstacles and which ones are excuses?
Become A Person Of Action
“Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power! – Lao Tzu
Do you just simply find procrastination compulsive? Yes ___ No ___
Do you feel like you just can’t help it? Yes ___ No ___
Having self-discipline is a skill that absolutely has to be mastered to blitz procrastination once and for all!
No amount of goal-setting and self-belief, although important, can take away the necessity for self-discipline.
Be honest:
Do you leap out of bed every morning with determination to get on with the day?Yes ___ No ___
Or do you hit the snooze button and start the day with a delay? &Yes ___ No ___
Are you the kind of person who is punctual, who is always on time for appointments?Yes ___ No ___
Or do you leave everything to the last minute? Yes ___ No ___
Self-discipline is easier to maintain when developed in every area of your life.
Build your self-discipline muscle everywhere you go to blitz procrastination completely out of your life.
People of action rarely procrastinate. It’s all about mind-set.
Do it now!
What changes in my behavior will help me to be a person of action? _________________________________________
List the changes that you will make today in order to become a person of action. _________________________________________
To become a person of action I will _________________________________________
(For example: get up 30 minutes earlier to be more punctual, keep promises to myself and others, be more organized)
Ditch the distractions before they create unnecessary problems
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