I’ll tell you a story about a friend of mine – and I can assure you it is not me. The resemblance and similar age to me are purely a coincidence. My friend was about fifty-nine years old when he was diagnosed with ADHD. The first ADD-related book he read was “Healing ADD by Daniel Amen”. He was reading it to learn how to help his son who struggled with ADD problems. The son never really got to the addiction stage like his dad but really liked video games and found it was a good place to go when the pressure got to be a little much. My … [Read more...]
What are the long-term effects of untreated ADD?
Does someone you know and love exhibit the following behaviors? Short attention span. Distractibility. Disorganization. Procrastination. Saying or doing things without thinking them through. These are all symptoms or early warning signs of ADD / ADHD, and if left untreated, or improperly treated, can lead to more problems. Some also believe ADD is a children’s problem and we outgrow it as adults. ADD contributes to school problems, marital problems, workplace problems, and many more areas. It’s not just about misbehaving or … [Read more...]
Conflict Resolution [Workshop]
Conflict Resolution Workshops for businesses The purpose of a practical Conflict Resolution program is to provide some direction to resolving and preventing workplace conflict. The Dynamic Discovery approach is a process whereby you will be shown, step-by-step, “how to” resolve conflict in a positive, gainful, manner. Here is some information about how we approach conflict in the workplace. If you are interested in a custom corporate workshop, contact us anytime! Conflict When you read the word "conflict," what's your first association: … [Read more...]
How to Deal with Anger | Part 1
How to Deal with Anger - Angry Emotions and Behaviours Humans have a wide range of emotions, and anger is a perfectly acceptable and common one. We all feel the need to address our frustrations, and to take quick action to alleviate our anger. But when do you know that anger is beyond your control and that you might have a real issue with anger? Find out the warning signs, and what you can do about it. Also, if you're a parent, learn how to discern between clumsy and aggressive behavior in your child, and how you can deal with your child's … [Read more...]