Excerpt from Why We Fail at Relationships Book When you are in an intimate relationship, you should feel understood and accepted for who you are. You trust the other person and can open up completely to them. Intimacy can be intellectual, emotional, and physical. A ‘good’ intimate relationship is one in which you: pay attention to your partner. share ideas and thoughts. share feelings with each other without fear. try to understand why you and your partner behave as you do. You can communicate in many ways: words (what … [Read more...]
Are you a Control Freak?
Are you a Control Freak? I have often heard people referred to as controllers or control-freaks, but my work and my studies have led me to believe that the word control is overused (abused?) in relation to human behavior. I understand that the original meaning or intent of the word as a derogatory descriptor referred to those people who raised hell by demanding that everyone around them do, be, and act only in ways that would please the Controller. In therapy, we use the word control as a term that describes people who try to control or make … [Read more...]
Setting Boundaries in your Relationship
Setting Boundaries in your Relationship is vital for a healthy one. There are four types of boundaries that develop in human beings: physical, sexual, emotional and spiritual. Physical and sexual boundaries are external, while emotional and spiritual ones are internal mechanisms. Each of these may be characterized by a position statement. Physical boundaries: I have the right to determine when, where, how, and who is going to touch me. I have the right to determine how close someone is going to stand next to me. Sexual boundaries: I … [Read more...]
Conflict Resolution [Workshop]
Conflict Resolution Workshops for businesses The purpose of a practical Conflict Resolution program is to provide some direction to resolving and preventing workplace conflict. The Dynamic Discovery approach is a process whereby you will be shown, step-by-step, “how to” resolve conflict in a positive, gainful, manner. Here is some information about how we approach conflict in the workplace. If you are interested in a custom corporate workshop, contact us anytime! Conflict When you read the word "conflict," what's your first association: … [Read more...]