Reaching Out For Help can be difficult It is not unusual to get a call from someone (usually a woman) who says, “Our marriage is in trouble but (my partner) won’t go to counseling with me. What can I do?” Let’s pause to consider the situation… When one partner suggests bringing a counselor into their marriage problems the other partner either hears an alarm while envisioning being attacked by their partner and the counselor or imagines the stories that their partner and the counselor will release to the world. Confidentiality be damned! … [Read more...]
The Phenomenon of Being Afraid of Success
Are You Afraid of Success? Many of us wake up one day and hurtfully realize that we are surrounded by people with less smarts and less experience who aren’t nearly as wonderful and have achieved more, do more, have more, give more and seem to enjoy more… who are generally just “more’. And it hurts all the more if they are a lot younger and have less education. What the heck is that all about? The easiest way to explain it is to accuse those people of merely being excellent at brown-nosing and sucking up, but we eventually come to realize … [Read more...]