Life is full of problems. The more you solve them, the more new ones come up. And you can sweep problems under the carpet or run away from them. Wherever you go, sooner or later there will be problems for you to solve. Since this is a fact of life, you may as well develop some skills on how to handle problems in life. Here are some insights on how to deal with problems in life so that you may achieve success and happiness. One of the best ways to handle problems is to have the right attitude towards them. Sometimes problems may be blessings … [Read more...]
Team Building in the Workplace
The following article was buried very deep in our archives and at a recent reading we thought that, although it is an oldie, it is a goodie. In other words, the approach would seem to be as good as most or all of the new and sparkly programs. And, it’s free! In today’s workplace, it is not unusual to find organizations made up of personnel from as many as four generations – an unusual happening in our history. That fact can be exciting - unless you are the one trying to make sense out of it all as you try to get people to work together… and … [Read more...]
The Phenomenon of Being Afraid of Success
Are You Afraid of Success? Many of us wake up one day and hurtfully realize that we are surrounded by people with less smarts and less experience who aren’t nearly as wonderful and have achieved more, do more, have more, give more and seem to enjoy more… who are generally just “more’. And it hurts all the more if they are a lot younger and have less education. What the heck is that all about? The easiest way to explain it is to accuse those people of merely being excellent at brown-nosing and sucking up, but we eventually come to realize … [Read more...]