Due to the sensitive and private nature of what we do. We encourage and appreciate any testimonials from patients but realize that most will wish to remain anonymous.
When I first saw Bob I had issues with anger, depression, anxiety and addiction. Through a workshop and coaching with Dynamic Discovery, I have learned how to relax, and with that have gained the peace of mind to cope with things like depression and anxiety when they present themselves. The most significant change I have experienced is the traumatic flashbacks that used to plague my thoughts and dreams are almost entirely gone. I am able to look at my traumatic memories without experiencing the pain they once held. -Elizabeth
Started seeing Elizabeth February 2014 in a workshop. She was in her early twenties and on the marijuana maintenance program and believed that she had been sober for nine months as that is when she stopped using hard drugs. She only smoked before bed to help her sleep. She didn’t appreciate me telling her, she had no sobriety. She had been the victim of rape at seven years of age.
We began working together as a result of one of our workshop (invited as a result of knowledge of wanting to change). We continued working together on a one to one basis. She had already learned relaxing techniques and some mood changing techniques. She hated men and had problems working with men. We began removing emotions from childhood abuse as I was unable to approach the rape situation with several different techniques and approaches. It took about a month to stop the drug use. And then we began working on removing the rape associated problems. We began to develop goals for self-esteem and confidence and many other attributes for good living, such as patience, honesty, integrity, forgiveness and pain-free living. Developing alternatives for anger, violence, abandonment issues, resentments. We continue to see each other once or twice a month for last six months for mostly coaching. She has assisted me with a client who was assaulted at a young age. She also helped a young girl that had been abducted, drugged and raped make a complaint to authorities and held it together until after she was completed and away from the girl, then released her emotions.
Medical complaints were being overweight, increased appetite, difficulty sleeping, nightmares, low resistance to infections, flu like symptoms, drowsiness, muscle spasms, inability to remember, repeated colds, neck pain, see spots or shadows, nausea, abdominal pain, back pain, painful heavy periods, premenstrual moodiness, painful menstrual periods,
Medical history: Chronic Pancreatitis, Growth on liver, seizures, multiple cysts in organs, various blood conditions, low blood pressure, Crohn’s disease, over 100 hospitalizations in last four years.
Purpose of Consultation: Want to gain more control of my life and my emotions. Want to get better at setting and accomplishing goals. Would like to deal with anger, depression and anxiety. Help recovering from addictions, Xanax, valium, crack, mushrooms, LSD, MDA, cocaine, ketamine, crystal meth, codeine, salvia, ecstasy, alcohol, marijuana, sleeping pills, sleeping pills, gravol, other muscle relaxants, methamphetamines. Like to feel more present and better able to relax. Feels she is emotionally unstable. Sexual problems.
Previous attempts to correct problems: Multiple counselors since teen years, meds for bi-polar, anxiety, anti-depressants, a few psychologists.
Problems in school, talk too much, restlessness, not doing homework, didn’t care.
Physical and emotional abuse as a child, messy parental separation and divorce. Death of best friend.
Began using substances at 15 years of age.
History of parental drug and alcohol abuse and mental disorders.
Testing revealed: ADHD, major depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Generalized anxiety
After six years of working in emergency services, I had seen and dealt with lots of ugly things. On top of the constant hardness of the job I also had to deal with the absolute devastation of a marital breakup.
My tough guy persona and mask started to crumble. My old coping technics failed. I couldn’t just dummy up anymore and everyday I felt more angry, hurt, betrayed and ever other negative emotion I could feel.
I started to become a shitty cop and an even shittier Father.
I knew of co-workers and even a few friends who would never work again because of psych issues and PTSD. I didn’t want to be “one of them”. I didn’t know where to start looking, but I knew I needed to start looking.
That’s when I found the professional discreet services of Dynamic Discovery and Bob. I don’t know where I would’ve ended up if I wouldn’t have sent that email. I did send it and it was the best decision of my life. I’m me again, better than I have ever been.
From where I was to where I am has been an unbelievable life change. Through Bob’s coaching, I changed my way of thinking and dealt with the shit. I made myself a better cop, a better human and most importantly a better Father. – Anonymous
Started seeing this man in spring of 2014. He was in his 30s and had a complaint of PTSD from a recent firearms-related incident. He had accompanying depression and anxiety. A little digging revealed two failed marriages, some recent relationship failures and inability to select girlfriends or mates who didn’t drink or drug. He had used prescriptions for depression and anxiety. Many of his problems stemmed from childhood incidents of abuse of one form or another which were buried very deep. He was also having flashbacks to past events. No medical or personal history provided.
Testing revealed: ADHD, anxiety, depression, and Manic episodes.
30 Dec 2014. He had just got out of 6 weeks of rehab two days ago. He brought a female counselor back with him and told his wife, he was leaving her for this counselor. He had been using sex in rehab to replace alcohol and drugs. We worked together for about 14 two-hour sessions over three months. This feels like my last resort for me. He had no interest in attending or working any AA programs at any point even today.
8 April 2014, Morning Bob, Hey, I’m gonna cancel my session Friday, I’m not interested in doing any more sessions right now but next week maybe coffee or lunch. Have a good day buddy.
End of April, Hey buddy, things are good, they really are. I still need to bring that book back.
End of May, I texted asking how it was going and he responded, pretty good, still married, still working and still alcohol and drug free. Remotely happy so, it’s not so bad.
End of July, I got a text saying, Hey buddy I’m doing good. Still sober still at my job and still happily married and you had a big part in that. Thank you. I ride past your office every day, I promise I will come and see you soon.
Purpose of Consultation (his words):
Overweight, Tired, Excessive sleeping, Back pain, Impotence, Unhappiness, hopelessness, addiction, feelings of chronic boredom, things are never going to get better, suicidal thoughts, low self esteem, guilt, shame, wanting to change but too lazy to make the changes, feeling I can’t be helped. My happiness and poor choices will kill me. Wanting to give it one last shot to get better mentally and have the life I desire.
Previous attempts to correct problems; family doctor, meds for depression and anxiety; counselor; psychologist; psychiatrist; twice in expensive rehab programs.
Possible concussion at 15 years, hospitalized.
Disruptive in school, lack of effort
Offenses; DUI, drug possession.
Began drinking at 15 years, later binge drinking, felt invincible when drinking. Didn’t care about anything but own pleasure. After nineteen years of sobriety went back out. Marital problems, infidelity, alcohol, hookers, cocaine. Very few real friends, life of the party
Testing revealed: Classic ADD, Over-focused ADD and ADHD, major depression, Manic episodes, generalized anxiety
The traumatic events which occurred most recently in my life took over my thoughts and mind. I would spend much time lamenting about the grief and the guilt that I felt. Dynamic Discovery gave me the tools to help redirect my negative feelings and turn them into positive thoughts. They assisted me to take control of my anxiety and anger in a way that changed how I dealt with people in a more constructive and positive way. As each day goes by, I know now I have great tools to help me live a more peaceful and meaningful life. Later into my sessions I discovered many things about my how childhood affects how I react and behave today. Through revisiting these aspects of my life I have worked through different events to not only understand but also how to let go of how these events have negatively affected me. I now have tools to push away this negativity from my thought pattern. I am also very optimistic that tools which I have gained will aide me to be a better parent and spouse.
– anonymous
These answers came as a result of the question, how are you doing? I have really been doing well. I am using the techniques all the time. Stuff that normally would bother me is not.
When asked about previous issues with parents and siblings are bothering her?
Nope because they are not my problem.
I have no real background information or tests as this meeting occurred in a public place where I happened to be. I observed signs of serious depression and anxiety. I was able to isolate this person and quickly teach her to relax and be able to summon relaxation in seconds. I also helped her release the grief related incident which had plagued her. We had one follow-up session and I was able to help with issues of co-dependency.