What is ADHD?
It’s a hard question as it’s more complex than just a small definition on a website. This gives you some stats to show you aren’t alone! ADHD can occur in childhood or maybe you are noticing some things are bit off as an adult. Don’t be scared of finding out, things can only get better if you get a correct diagnosis. There is always options for ADHD Treatment, you just need to find out what works best for you.
Reach out to us today for some testing options or more information.
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Through my own experiences as well as training opportunities, I have come to the conclusion that there is a strong link between PTSD and ADHD. Usually, they are diagnosed and treated as if they were unrelated ailments. Nevertheless, the Archives of General Psychiatry has published studies showing a link between ADD and addiction without clarifying.
I am not just teaching facts, statistics, research studies, or such. I am sharing what I have lived. So once you have got past What is ADHD? Then you can start exploring on how to deal with it and move on to live a functional and productive life!
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